Tuesday 25 July 2017

Can 3D Printing Technology Shape Your Future?

Every other day we hear of new technology trends that boggle our minds and forces us to think- How is this possible? And slowly and gradually with the lapse of time we get adapted to the technology making it a part of our everyday lives. Yes, one such technology trend to which you might be completely ignorant as of now but which is bound to become a part of your daily lives in times to come is 3D printing- a new technology everyone is excited about.

3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing. In simpler terms, it is a process whereby a real object can be created from a 3D design. It is done by laying down successive layers of material in different shapes. Though this technology may sound a bit too futuristic to some but with HP's 3D printer along with Polaroid 3d accessories much anticipated launch, all your ideas turning into real objects are not that far away.

Is 3D printing the need of the future?

At present, 3D printers are generally slow, and the component they use is costly and inconsistent. But with the advancement of industry, assembly lines could be reduced and supply chains could be shortened. Also printing on demand could wipe out the need for warehouses for many companies to a large extent. Reducing shipping and knocking out the waste and pollution of conventional subtractive manufacturing could be an environmental boon.

These few examples of what 3D printing could do are definitely bound to catch your attention:

 Create pharmaceutical drugs

With patients being able to print out their prescriptions, a revolutionary shift in the pharmaceutical industry is destined to happen. Yes, 3D printing technology could let you print your pharmaceuticals at home tailored to the distinct needs of an individual. "In the future, we will not sell drugs, but blueprints, apps and Polaroid 3D Printer," says Lee Cronin, a chemist from the University of Glasgow.

Print your own clothing

 Printers are getting closer to generating great fabric-like materials, using interlinked structures to create knits and stitches. This could possibly have an impact on the fashion industry in times to come.

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Thursday 20 July 2017

3D Printing - The Future of the Printing Technology

The advancement in technology today leads many people to enjoy the convenience and ease it brings. Every year, a new technological idea is presented to the public and one of them even makes one's dream into a reality, thanks to a machine called 3D Printer.

What is 3D Printing?

Polaroid 3D Printing is a process of printing an object that one can actually use. The process starts simple. One would create whatever image they want in a computer software and after scanning the image, it will then be sent to the printer that would then print it out in 3D format. Although it looks quite easy, and rightly so, there are different printers out there and depending on the needs and requirements of the person using it,  also may differ in prices.


There are different applications that people may find useful using the printer. In the medical world such as, printers are used to make low-cost prosthetics. Since prosthetics are expensive, the 3D printed prosthetics are not only effective and found useful, it also cuts the cost of the original prosthetics and can be used to help amputees at home or shipped to war-torn countries. 3D printed ears, limbs and other body parts and medical equipment such as wheelchairs are now made using 3D printing machine. In some countries, researches are also ongoing with the possibility of one day using the equipment to print skins and other tissue material which can make skin grafting or skin replacement for patients faster and easier.

As kids become more inquisitive and curious with their surrounding and the campaign for creative awareness, this equipment is useful in helping kids image and create their own toys.

Infact, Polaroid 3d products are loved by all.

Interested in 3D Printing?

For beginners out there who are interested in creating or starting out in the industry, choosing the right equipment and materials are important especially if one is interested in making money out of it. The most popular filament for beginners is the PLA or Polylactic acid filament which is made of biodegradable and sustainable materials.