Tuesday 25 July 2017

Can 3D Printing Technology Shape Your Future?

Every other day we hear of new technology trends that boggle our minds and forces us to think- How is this possible? And slowly and gradually with the lapse of time we get adapted to the technology making it a part of our everyday lives. Yes, one such technology trend to which you might be completely ignorant as of now but which is bound to become a part of your daily lives in times to come is 3D printing- a new technology everyone is excited about.

3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing. In simpler terms, it is a process whereby a real object can be created from a 3D design. It is done by laying down successive layers of material in different shapes. Though this technology may sound a bit too futuristic to some but with HP's 3D printer along with Polaroid 3d accessories much anticipated launch, all your ideas turning into real objects are not that far away.

Is 3D printing the need of the future?

At present, 3D printers are generally slow, and the component they use is costly and inconsistent. But with the advancement of industry, assembly lines could be reduced and supply chains could be shortened. Also printing on demand could wipe out the need for warehouses for many companies to a large extent. Reducing shipping and knocking out the waste and pollution of conventional subtractive manufacturing could be an environmental boon.

These few examples of what 3D printing could do are definitely bound to catch your attention:

 Create pharmaceutical drugs

With patients being able to print out their prescriptions, a revolutionary shift in the pharmaceutical industry is destined to happen. Yes, 3D printing technology could let you print your pharmaceuticals at home tailored to the distinct needs of an individual. "In the future, we will not sell drugs, but blueprints, apps and Polaroid 3D Printer," says Lee Cronin, a chemist from the University of Glasgow.

Print your own clothing

 Printers are getting closer to generating great fabric-like materials, using interlinked structures to create knits and stitches. This could possibly have an impact on the fashion industry in times to come.

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